Monday, August 27, 2007

The AGW Debate gets Surreal

The problem with debating anyone over the issue of anthropogenic global warming is that most of the AGW apologists proceed from multiple false assumptions. Recently a very ignorant poster to a thread over at said:

"Probably global warming is real, but it’s possible it’s not. Either way it’s a smart move to take common sense measures to reduce the risk."

First false assumption:

Global warming is a risk. It is demonstrably NOT a risk. In fact in the past, when the earth was warmer than it is today, civilization thrived. Grapes were grown in vineyards of Scotland, the Vikings colonized Greenland. In brief, if we COULD warm the planet through some manmade mechanism, it would be a GOOD THING.

Second false assumption:

C0₂ causes warming. In fact, there is ZERO evidence of this. What we do have evidence of is that as the oceans warm (caused by Mr. Sun) then C0₂ is released into the atmosphere.

Third false assumption:

C0₂ is a pollutant. Those who believe AGW is real often conflate pollutants (especially particulate pollutants like soot) with C0₂, which is a gas required on this planet for LIFE! LA has higher ozone and particulates (mainly dust) in the lower atmosphere but there is no way to notice elevated C02 in LA's air. C0₂ is a pollutant like oxygen and nitrogen are pollutants.

Fourth false assumption: 

The earth will continue warming unless we do something to stop it. It is, in fact, quite possible that we are at the apex of a warming cycle and that the earth will begin cooling. This would be a BAD THING.

My question for the imbecile who said warming was a "risk" should consider the much larger risk of global cooling. A cooler earth would be catastrophic for fruit and produce producing nations. It would drive people out of currently habitable areas into smaller zones of the planet. When we start cooling, are the enviroloons going to demand we drive more or build more coal fired power plants?

The most important thing to point out in all of this is that C0₂ is the RESULT of warming. That one, single fact blows holes a mile wide in the cap and trade nonsense. It also debunks EVERYTHING that Al Gore has asserted (and I think he knows it given how fast he skips past the C0₂/Warming corollary chart in his fictional movie, An Inconvenient Truth). 

There are so many things demonstrably and transparently wrong with this whole AGW ploy it is tragic:

1. There is ZERO evidence that man causes global warming.
2. Global warming has not been shown to be a negative for the planet.
3. Temperature measurement data before 1950 is highly inaccurate and back farther into the past is guesswork of monumental proportions.
4. NASA and other organizations responsible for collecting CURRENT temperature data have been caught cooking the books. I see NASA as the scientific world's Enron.
5. The AGW industry is monetarily GIGANTIC. Everyone wants a piece of this pie from anonymous researchers (who couldn't get a dime for a grant until they figured out how to connect their research with AGW) to multi-national corporations who have learned how to use enviro-scares to their benefit, to politicians who see more power ceded to them by playing up the Chicken Little AGW scheme.

AGW is like a bad prank that somebody came up with thinking that "nobody is that stupid to buy into it" only to find out that huge numbers of people are sheep and will buy into anything. I guess P.T. Barnum was right after all.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

10 Reasons Why Socialized Medicine Would Be a Good Idea

If we ever get socialized medicine in this country of the kind that Hillary advocates (the kind that makes it illegal to opt out of the system except by leaving the country) we could see some excellent benefits:

Number 10. Boon for Caymen Islands who begin to recruit all our best doctors and nurses to their newly minted "hospitals for Americans".

Number 9. Boon for doctors and nurses who always wanted a job in a beautiful Caribbean country.

Number 8. Boon for travel industry as Americans leave in droves to get treatment at Caymen Island hospitals.

Number 7. Decision making made easier for people needing drugs. "Which would you like for your life threatening illness sir, Aspirin or Penicillin?"

Number 6. With government employees now performing delicate surgery like angioplasty, big fat liberal slobs like Michael Moore would be dying in surgery in droves.

Number 5. The poor, who up until socialized medicine was implemented, received the very best care in the world, are now treated by unqualified government employees. They die in droves, thus reducing the ranks of Democrat voters (who voted for the politicians who devised the Socalized Health Care scheme in the first place). Once these voters are killed off by the very system they voted for, those who remain alive wisely abandon government run health care and return to the previous system with the advantage that the Democrat Party has lost half its support base.

Number 4. Abortion clinics are no longer the profitable business for Planned Parenthood they once were so they close shop and Planned Parenthood, now starved for money, goes bankrupt.

Number 3. Abortions are now performed by people not qualified to work at FEMA or the DMV. Because of this, the abortion rate starts to decline as pregnant women begin fearing that they will die on the table like Michael Moore did.

Number 2. With the US no longer acting as the engine for medical innovation in the world, Europeans start dying by the millions for lack of wonder drugs that previously were developed in the US. Less Europeans means less French people meddling in world affairs.

Number 1. Socialized medicine means there is no longer a private industry for lawyers to sue. This puts millions of lawyers out of work, including John Edwards.